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The Bridge

Writer's picture: HCC AdminHCC Admin

Updated: Jun 14, 2021

For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man.

- 1 Corinthians 15:21

A bridge is something that joins or connects two separate entities. Bridges are great because they make way for new things. Options that were once never available become available. Things that may have been impossible like walking over water, or even a few feet in the air become possible. Lastly, bridges fill in gaps, create well-defined paths, and easier routes.

Jesus is the bridge to the Father

If we go back to the beginning (the book of Genesis) we see that God created the world with excellence. Not haphazardly or without discretion, but with perfection. His perfection was reflected in everything that He created. There were no flaws, mistakes, or issues, everything was in absolute balance, and all was o.k. Until Genesis chapter 3 where we see a disruption in the flawless ecosystem that God had created. It's here that we see sin enter man one way and the fear of God exit through another. Because of sin, man lost his access and proximity to God. Also, humankind ceased to know what it was like to have an intimate relationship with their creator.

Whenever Jesus came, He became our example. He lived well, worshipped God, remained on track, practiced excellence, lived according to His purpose, and showed us what it looked like to truly live for God (which is something that humanity had never seen before). Jesus Christ was the first one to walk the path that we were called to live. Moses, Abraham, and Noah also lived for God, but they had religious laws that they had to adhere to. Jesus was purely about seeking, chasing, and pleasing the heart of the Father. He focused on the relationship aspect of His faith because there were no laws that stood in His way.

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

- Romans 3:23

Jesus restored relationship and got rid of religion

Whenever Jesus died and rose again, He restored what God had intended for humanity from the very start, a relationship with Him. With the law, people were super busy with rituals and rules which got in the way. Maybe this is why Mary and Martha (Luke 10:41-42) saw things differently. While one was busy trying to impress and honor God through her works. The other recognized that the Messiah was in the room, and just wanted to commune with Him! One was immersed in intimacy while the other was stuck in religion. No longer do we have to worry about crossing every T and dotting every I. Because God made it very simple for us, we must be about our father's business and focus on pleasing Him. Of course, there are still commandments, convictions, and a great commission that we must adhere to. But, fulfilling those things shouldn't be done with selfish efforts but with a desire to please God instead.

Jesus restored our identity as God's children

God loves us so much that He didn't want to be without us. Yes, He could live without us but He would rather die. He couldn't stand to see us live a life of sin. He wanted to restore our positions as princes/princesses in the kingdom of God. When we went wayward He didn't say “forget them” He went out of His way to create a path for us to return to Him. He kept our crowns locked up in a neat space in the castle. And in the night He called out to us waiting for a response. When we returned, He dusted off our crowns and said “Welcome back”. We see this theme with the prodigal son (Luke 15:18-24), He did everything wrong. But when he returned he didn't have to beg his father to take him back. He was welcomed with open arms! He received mercy, grace, and forgiveness; instead of condemnation and shame. Jesus made that possible for us!

For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, now that we are reconciled, shall we be saved by his life.

- Romans 5:10

For generations, lambs were slain to satisfy the father and cleanse our sins. The Bible even tells us that the aroma of the sacrifices pleased God! Humanity had to shed blood to make amends and be right with God. While it was symbolic, it was also systematic! But since Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God chose to sacrifice Himself. His blood now covers us and we can freely approach the throne of God. Every time God sees us He sees the blood of Jesus instead of sin and shame. His word even tells us that we are His children. We are acceptable, clean, washed, whole, because of what Jesus did on the cross! The greatest lamb of all with everlasting blood covered all of our sins and transgressions. There are no contracts or hoops that we have to jump through! We don't have to take any wild routes, go through hills and valleys, climb over any walls, or swim through any oceans. We can simply walk on the bridge that was established for us and run straight into the arms of our father. All we have to do is receive it!

Message from Blessing Finesse

Written by Blessing Finesse



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